There is a new generation taking over the worlds mindset. The Digital Nomads have already made an impact on the way of living and the life philosophy maybe even stronger than the hippie and flower power generation managed to.

The new terms in business, in IT especially and in new spirituality are much inspired by shamanic and nomadic living. Terms like the clan, society, nomads and tribe are assimilated into the language of a new generation in business strategy. The search for the blueprint of who we really are are made possible with the economic freedom to travel and to bring the work with you.
Photo of Anne Bjørkedal. Shamanic practitioner and fonder of Moritsgarden coliving.
Digital nomads and coliving - the new lifestyle. A short introduction.
As a symptom and reaction of the world crisis we are in, the internet and the freedom that a digital job can give, has inspired more than 35 million people to hit the road. Sell or rent out their flats, and take back the enjoyment of travelling all the same as the new moment embraces the human needs of society, of the tribe, the clan.
Inspired by the silicon valley spirituality embracing yoga, mindfulness and shamanic way of living like nomadic hunters and gatherers, IT people has found a new philosophy that picks the love, easIness and philosophy from the world religions and the new age movement.. Phrases like life is good, enjoy, love, florish and with the communication and networking this new moment started to spread with a never before seen speed. Much due to the covid. From ayahuasca retreats in Tenerife or Bali back to the coworkingdesk with coding and community.
People bond easier today likely because of the internet that makes us all connected in a way, good or bad.
The clan-building is fluid, we walk into each others life for a while, then go on to the next Caravan Sarai
Typical for this new moment is also slower travel, veganism, eco-gardening and that each society has an identity.
The nomads soon gets smarter and see through the marketing, but there are enough people following the trend to make a demand for housing growing even faster.
Especially Spain Portugal and in the covid time some South-american countries like Mexico grew fast.
The issuing of Digital Nomad visas has been a policy for countries like Georgia, Croatia, Portugal, and even Norway to welcome digital nomads.
At the same time locals have often protested as the DM(Digital Nomads) force the prices on housing to go up, and use the low cost to have people work for them like cheap cleaners etc.

From Moritsgarden, a coworking area with 400 year old timber walls.
Why rural coworking is more sustainable
The new need is space. The digital nomad first wave has been centered around self realisation, possibility and freedom.
After a while the happy and close coliving will without doubt remind each of us that we all biologically has a need of space. This need for personal room emerges as we experience the freedom, and often gets stronger in a close group. The dilemma that our personal DNA and archetype has put us on a scale where we are all to a degree both introvert and extrovert will blow much of the religion of psychology to pieces.
Rural coworking is especially for those who enjoy solotravelling, enjoy solitude but has come to the understanding that society is a biological need also in lone wolfs. The rural bonding is another and deeper than that of the urban. When hunters and gatherers started to build villages and later cities and rigid communities and rules, religions and politics,we lost the knowledge about ourselves and why social bonding is part of our deepest fight or flight-response.
Exploring ourselves back to a more slow, individual lifestyle - but with even stronger society bonds - is what rural coworking can bring into the movement.
Digital nomads can be the hope of dying villages
The new group of people who can afford to travel around are highly skilled, they come from all around the world, they are open hand have adopted the top of a long ongoing change in thinking.
At the same time the world hads been extremely political and economically motivated to move people into cities all the same that the countryside has been deserted in shame, powerty, stupidity, a place for old people to stay behind. Ghost villages are a phenomenon that is not only leaving a group of people behind, The farmers, the low educated, the misfits and the stupid as it starts to look for the city people, and that also starts to be a spiral of hopelessness.

Tamas from Hungary meets Jakob, the oldest boatbuilder in Bjørkedal. They immediately connect through the love of wood and handcraft.
The young people have a choice to stay and stop their chances or to move into the speed, the glitter, the happiness of the cities.
With the new opportunity to create societies where you can live for a periode of life-a month or a year, the villages can get the best from the new knowledge, inspiration and vibrations that the digital nomads share. To always try to make people settle for good in the remote villages is probably a lost hope. It is a better strategy to offer the values of village life to a bigger group of people. This brings more contact, more networks, more diversity and more inspiration into otherwise death-doomed villages where only the memories lives on.
The values of village life is kept in the memories. The coworking and coliving used to be the heart of all rural living. It is here that we can remember a lost way of co operation, co living and co inspiration.

To consciously pay attention to the villages, that we contribute, that we inspire and that we make changes is the only way to attract people. The responsible living and the sustainability is the way to attract the correct people that will also want to contribute, communicate and leave a trace.